Spider Web Strategy!
Sometimes we unconsciously come across patterns that we later discover have been discovered by others. The “Spiderweb Strategy” was exactly one of those cases for me. Without any prior study, I realized from personal experience that if we create a network of products, services, and communications in a way that users naturally navigate through, the chances of making a sale increase dramatically. When I did some research for this article, I found that this method is a well-known strategy in marketing. Now that I understand it better, I have no doubt that it is one of the best marketing strategies that can even be developed in the field of SEO. How does a spiderweb work? A spiderweb attracts customers as a connected network of content, products, advertising, and communications. Any point in this web can be a customer’s entry point and ultimately lead them to purchase. Instead of focusing on a direct and linear path, we should think about creating a path that keeps people in an ecosystem...